IMG_7930 MED THUMBTribal & Village Care  project

he Village Outreach Program serves a catchment area of 6 million people and responds to one of the most vulnerable areas of Rajasthan. The long-term vision of the Village Outreach Programme is to provide support and education to these communities, empowering them to develop self-awareness in healthcare.

  • Facts about what the hospital does in out reach pro
  • What they need
  • The long-term vision
  • What are the issues of these people?

Well-being project

Poverty isn’t just a lack of wealth. Change in India is moving at a phenomenal pace. Where once a family/clan depended on migrational work with livestock, these lands are now locked resulting in a substantial loss of employment. These circumstances have contributed to increasing levels of poverty and in many cases an increase in alcohol consumption and domestic violence.

When you take away a man or a woman’s role there are profound consequences. The Global Hospital’s vision sees beyond merely the welfare of the physical body but seeks to attend to the well being of the people at a level that allows them to maintain their cultural dignity.

Smile Train project

Children with cleft palettes and facial deformities are ostracized within the community. In ancient traditional culture, often physical deformity is looked upon with superstition. When a child is given a smile and a chance at a normal life, it has an effect upon the entire village and generations to come.

The Smile Train…

  • The healthcare project
  • The eye care project
  • The nutrition education project

And more

blue DShaddow